Hello! My name is Mark Dewar.
My story isn't unusual or extra-ordinary. You may or may not have a similar reason for beginning a brain improvement program as me, and that really doesn't matter. You may be here only to maintain or to increase your level of intellect. In any case, whatever your reasons, I welcome you to my website and wish you all the success that you deserve.
I truly believe in the old adage, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it". In other words, to maintain or improve yourself, you must stay dedicated to your goals and work diligently toward them.
I struggled with memory lapses and I became concerned that my cognitive skills were retreating. I began to think that I was headed down the same road my father and grandparents went. They all succumbed to Alzheimer's.
I was determined not to join them. I started a quest to eliminate or significantly reduce the chance of following in their footsteps. Through hard work and tons of research I discovered the perfect formula to increase brain improvement not only for me but for anyone of any age.
I want to share my findings with you. You can, with a plan, create whatever life you desire. My goal is to help you through the steps that I found effective for me. My personality, thinking process, communication skills, memory, brain function, speed of thought and happiness have absolutely improved a hundredfold.
I've recently completed and published my extensively researched E-book ‘How to Develop a Perfect Brain’ you can follow me on my ‘Perfect Brain Blog’. I hope that you give yourself the gift of changing your life for the better.
Kind Regards,
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